Vintagy And Fabulous
Vintagy And Fabulous
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  • We have amazing chalk paint



Dixie Belle Chalk Paint For Sale

We Are A Dixie Belle Retailer!

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About Dixie Belle Paint

Dixie Belle Paint is a made in the USA product line that was created to make it easier for anyone who wanted to paint and re-do furniture without all of the unnecessary prepping, sanding, and stripping that usually goes in to a piece before it ever even sees a drop of paint.

With Dixie Belle Paint, you simply have to clean your piece of furniture and you are ready to start painting!

The founder of the company, Suzanne Fulford, is quoted as saying "My vision is for everyone to be able to enjoy the fun and therapy painting can bring without breaking the bank. Dixie Belle Paint is a family-owned and operated company right here in the good ol’ USA! Built on American values and true Southern Hospitality."

The Vintagy And Fabulous Story

My great-grandmother, Mary Lee Underwood Redd (Memie), always told me that I was born in the wrong era.  I have always loved things of times gone by.  I especially loved the Waterfall bedroom suite that was mine when I could stay with her. 

My family and I love taking what was old and make it new again, write it a new story so-to-speak. When my husband and I are out and about we don't look at what an item is or what purpose it served, we look at what it can be. 

Much like Christ took us, old broken things and transformed us into something who and new.  He doesn't look at  what we were, He looks at what we can be through Him.

There are so many thing that you can do to revive items of old.  Like the old 5-panel door (my fav) which we turned into mine and my husband's desk, the old wood pane window that hold our precious family photos, or the old victroler chest rescued from a yard sale that became our daughter's entertainment center.

Come along with us on our journey where we will share tips and general information as we learn through trial and error.  Thank you for stoping by and we look forward to you coming back to see us from time to time. 

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